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7 year accreditation

About the project

The social exclusion of young people from the social, civic and democratic sphere due to the lack of knowledge of opportunities for training and human development is a problem that is being felt among the young layer and comes from a set of factors that affects not only themselves, but also those who articulate directly with them. With this in mind, and with empowerment being one of its most important values, Psientífica saw in the accreditation process an added value to streamline and sustain the continuity of the work already carried out by it through the development of key competences, technical skills, experiences and learning that will be relevant for building the future of young people and for their development as citizens. This page is dedicated to the second year of accreditation, from 2022 to 2023, in which Psientífica had 4 main activities, 2 Training Courses (TC) and 2 Youth Exchanges (YE).


  • Boost young people's engagement, connection and empowerment in the social, civic and democratic sphere in order to promote their social inclusion; •    Promote assertive opportunities for the empowerment and full development of young people by recognizing their interests and ambitions;

  • Promote assertive opportunities for the empowerment and improvement of the work of JWs through specialization and transfer of know-how and experiences;

  • Promote collaborative networking by supporting and encouraging the development of youth actions;

  • Raise awareness and disseminate European strategies and priorities in the field of youth, making everyone responsible for consolidating a strengthened European community.

Image by Alexis Brown


Image by Ronnie Overgoor
  • Realising inclusive and equal opportunities for young people, including those with fewer opportunities, making them more participatory citizens.

  • Empowering young people, supporting and encouraging social, civic and democratic participation with changes in the following generations.

  • Promote the empowerment of young people so that they are more aware of what they want for themselves and their future, becoming decisive, active, participatory and responsible agents for social change.

  • Carry out awareness raising and dissemination of European strategies and priorities, e.g. EU Youth Strategy 21-27 and European Youth Goals.

  • Capacity building for the involvement and understanding of the importance of all elements in the consolidation of the European community and inclusive Europe.

Project Activities 

Reunião transnacional 1

  • Date: January 16 to 20 Location:

  • Águeda, Portugal

  • Number of participants: 18

Forging Youth Alliances was a Training Course (TC) for youth workers, which aimed to provide capacity building and networking opportunities for youth workers, youth leaders and other people interested in organizing activities for young people. Its main purpose was to build and strengthen partnerships within the Erasmus+ program, as well as to write projects within Key Action 2 for further submission.

With this TC 4 projects were submitted within the Erasmus+ Programme, in 4 different countries of the programme, of which the consortium is completely constituted by the organizations participating in the activity.


What our participants have to say: "(...) We had a lot of time to talk, work and share experiences with the partner. Everyvody was really available to share and I really appreciate that we had a lot of time to work on the project idea."

Reunião transnacional 2

  • Date: April 17-21 Location:

  • Águeda, Portugal

  • Number of participants: 18

Gender4All was the second activity carried out by Psientífica within the second year of accreditation and consisted of a TC that aimed to equip youth workers, educators, facilitators and other professionals working with young people with tools for Gender Equality, exploring basic definitions, stereotypes and gender roles, discrimination in the workplace, gender-based violence and more. The aim of this TC was to equip youth workers to work on the topic with young people in their organizations.


What our participants have to say: "I've really enjoyed the experience of participation during this training course, it sparked difficult, but necessary conversations and provided a better insight into socially predetermined beliefs and opinions, which is the first step to creating a safe environment in which we can question those beliefs."

Reunião transnacional 3

  • Date: April 17-21 Location:

  • Águeda, Portugal

  • Number of participants: 18

Gender4All was the second activity carried out by Psientífica within the second year of accreditation and consisted of a TC that aimed to equip youth workers, educators, facilitators and other professionals working with young people with tools for Gender Equality, exploring basic definitions, stereotypes and gender roles, discrimination in the workplace, gender-based violence and more. The aim of this TC was to equip youth workers to work on the topic with young people in their organizations.


What our participants have to say: "I've really enjoyed the experience of participation during this training course, it sparked difficult, but necessary conversations and provided a better insight into socially predetermined beliefs and opinions, which is the first step to creating a safe environment in which we can question those beliefs."

Semana da bem-estar 1

  • Date: April 17-21 Location:

  • Águeda, Portugal

  • Number of participants: 18

Gender4All was the second activity carried out by Psientífica within the second year of accreditation and consisted of a TC that aimed to equip youth workers, educators, facilitators and other professionals working with young people with tools for Gender Equality, exploring basic definitions, stereotypes and gender roles, discrimination in the workplace, gender-based violence and more. The aim of this TC was to equip youth workers to work on the topic with young people in their organizations.


What our participants have to say: "I've really enjoyed the experience of participation during this training course, it sparked difficult, but necessary conversations and provided a better insight into socially predetermined beliefs and opinions, which is the first step to creating a safe environment in which we can question those beliefs."


Funding and support

National Erasmus+ Youth/Sport Agency and ESC

The 7-year Accreditation is a project funded by the National Erasmus+ Youth/Sport Agency and ESC.


The Erasmus+ Youth/Sport and ESC National Agency is the mission structure that aims to ensure the management, in Portugal, of the Erasmus+ Program in the fields of youth and sport, as well as to ensure the management and implementation of activities within the European Solidarity Corps program. It also coordinates the Eurodesk information network in Portugal. The Erasmus+ Youth Sport and ESC NA supports Youth Exchanges, European Volunteering, International Training, Strategic Partnerships and Structured Dialogue events. It provides support and information in the Sports dimension and to the Erasmus+ European Solidarity Corps.

Praça Conde de Águeda

3750 - 101 Águeda

(+351) 234 029 931

© 2023 Águeda Youth Center

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