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Wave of Hope

About the project

European society is experiencing an unprecedented migration crisis. In addition to successive boats crossing the Mediterranean in extremely dangerous conditions, the number of refugees is exacerbated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is undeniable that Europe is faced with serious challenges related to migration issues and in order to achieve stable solutions, it is crucial to develop joint responses.

The Wave of Hope project aims to tackle the major challenges related to growing migration in Europe:

  • Exploring with young people alternative, innovative and intelligent forms of participation to combat the problems linked to the migration crisis and the reception of refugees, modernising the responses that the youth sector and politicians provide at this level; 

  • Educating young people about their role in social inclusion issues and in building more welcoming communities; 

  • Fostering opportunities for training and intercultural interaction between young people from different backgrounds, but also between them and other key players, as a way of promoting the appreciation of cultural diversity, empathy and mutual respect; 

  • Promoting the development of support networks involving young people, youth organisations and others for the integration of refugees; 

Encouraging the active participation of young people in the design and implementation of policies and projects for inclusion and raising awareness of these issues at local, national and European level. 


General objective:

To contribute to building more inclusive communities in the reception and integration of refugees, through alternative, intelligent and innovative forms of youth participation.

Specific objectives:

To develop intercultural skills and active participation in young people, so that they can be active in decisions and actions to raise awareness of the inclusion of refugees; 
To explore, through intercultural contact between young people, alternative and innovative ways of responding to the problems of discrimination and exclusion of refugees; 
Promote the role of young people in awareness-raising actions, design and implementation of refugee inclusion responses at local, national and European level. 

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Funding and support

Erasmus+ Youth/Sports National Agency and ESC

Wave Of Hope is a project funded by the National Agency Erasmus+ Juventude/Desporto and ESC.


The National Agency Erasmus+ Youth Sport and ESC is the mission structure that aims to ensure the management, in Portugal, of the Erasmus+ Program in the fields of youth and sport, as well as ensuring the management and execution of activities within the European Solidarity Corps program . It also coordinates the Eurodesk information network in Portugal. AN Erasmus+ Youth Sports and ESC supports Youth Exchanges, European Volunteering, International Training, Strategic Partnerships and Structured Dialogue events. Provides support and information in the dimension of Sport and to the Erasmus+ European Solidarity Corps.

Praça Conde de Águeda

3750 - 101 Águeda

(+351) 234 029 931

© 2023  Águeda Youth Center

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