About the project
Incuba JÁ as an Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Initiative - IIES co-financed by Portugal Inovação Social, is established on its two central topics: Innovation, being the first youth incubator in Águeda and Entrepreneurship, since it provides for the empowerment of young people with key skills for lifelong learning and essential creative and entrepreneurial skills in order to combat the social problem of exclusion and youth unemployment.
It aims through an intervention based on Non-Formal Education, preventive intervention and facilitation of the transition to the labor market by young people in order to ensure equal opportunities and development of all personal, social and professional potential of young people.
This project also arises from the good relations established with the Municipality of Águeda, which acts as a social investor of the same and Psientífica consolidating the answer presented by the Águeda Youth Center to respond to this social problem.
This project is promoted by the Águeda Youth Center. Being the Municipality of Águeda, social investor and longtime partner.
The Youth Center of Águeda, arises from the partnership between Psientífica - Association for the promotion and social development and the Municipality of Águeda, in a very clear perspective of empowerment and active involvement of young people in the community.
Co-financed by Portugal Inovação Social, Co-financed by Portugal Inovação Social, a public initiative that aims to promote social innovation and boost the social investment market in Portugal. It channels this money to the market through 4 funding instruments aimed at financing projects that propose alternative and innovative approaches to respond to social problems.
Incuba JÁ is part of the Partnerships for Impact, being an Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Initiative, framed in the objectives defined by POISE for the presentation of an innovative and preferential solution, being the first Youth Social Incubator in the Center - North Zone.
Our proposal
Working on soft skills|personal and social skills;
The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework;
Creative Thinking;
Design Thinking.
Online follow-up;
Myths and fears of the job market;
CV and motivation letter;
Skills and Values;
Search accompanied by opportunities adjusted to the profile;
Personalized follow-up at the Creativity and Entrepreneurship Center for project implementation.
Main goal:
To respond to the social problem of youth unemployment and social exclusion, through the implementation of an innovative training program that will allow young people between 16 and 30 years old in situation or risk of exclusion to develop creative and entrepreneurial skills by mobilizing all available resources in order to facilitate the transition to the labor market.
The goal is one of creation. Over the course of 18 months we intend to create the INCUBA JÁ Program, properly structured, tested and validated with the beneficiaries.
Specific goals:
Structuring the Incuba Já program as an innovative and dynamic initiative in order to test and validate it with its beneficiaries;
Create an inclusive, decentralized and dematerialized space that can act in all conditions, free of charge and accessible to all young people;
Enable young people to develop personal and social skills based on Non-Formal Education as a complement to formal education;
Incubation of social projects developed by young people; • Educational and/or professional integration and/or reintegration of young people;
Development of a youth entrepreneurship network, which presents a concrete and structured response to the personal, social and professional development needs of young people;
Ensure equal opportunities and empowerment for young people to become entrepreneurial agents with innovative potential in their actions, contributing to the European social priority and need to create active and participatory young people in society.
This initiative leverages growth and development and as such its sustainability and replication is foreseen being the first incubator in the north central zone where the focus is the youth, with the youth and for the youth!

Project activities
Creativity and entrepreneurship skills training sessions
January 2022 to March 2023 - Presentation and dissemination of the initiative to young people, various partners and local stakeholders in order to reach young people in transition to the labor market in the year 2022, covering as many young people as possible right from the start.
March 2022 to date - We work mainly with young people in secondary vocational education, 2nd and 3rd year of a degree or CTesp course and young people in apprenticeship courses. We chose to work mainly with this audience because they are in the transition phase to the labor market or with prospects of creating their own personal project.
Associated partners: Marques de Castilho Secondary School, Adolfo Portela Secondary School, Águeda Higher School of Technology and Management and Águeda Employment and Vocational Training Institute.
June 2022 - INCUBA JÁ Seminar
The INCUBA JÁ Inauguration Seminar holds for its development the objective of sharing practices, methods and results achieved and the reflection, discussion and debate among the technicians involved and indirect technicians (internal beneficiaries) about them and the adaptation to their social and youth context.
This activity establishes the dissemination of the parameters and goals that we have committed to obey, presenting the initiative publicly to the community and strengthening the network of partners and formal and informal stakeholders of the initiative. During its development, all the representatives of the organizations present were asked to support us in bringing the initiative to its full potential, believing that the young people we support together today, will be the leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
Thus, given the expected impact and intended dimension of the seminar, it took place on July 8, 2022, from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Águeda Youth Center, in the INCUBA JÁ room.
Accompaniment of young people in the Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship INCUBA JÁ
During the months of operation, we opened the doors of the Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship INCUBA JÁ, where we have already received more than 18 young people who sought us autonomously either for help in integrating into the labor market or for the creation of their own job, 6 of these at the end of the intervention were integrated into the labor market, 5 of these are creating their own job opportunities in the business and social sphere, the rest continue to be accompanied by the INCUBA JÁ program.

Project presentations
During the months of operation, we opened the doors of the Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship INCUBA JÁ, where we have already received more than 18 young people who sought us autonomously either for help in integrating into the labor market or for the creation of their own job, 6 of these at the end of the intervention were integrated into the labor market, 5 of these are creating their own job opportunities in the business and social sphere, the rest continue to be accompanied by the INCUBA JÁ program.
On November 10, 2022, at the request of the National Agency Erasmus + Youth, Sport and CES, the Águeda Youth Center received the visit of youth workers from various regions of Portugal and North Macedonia to share good practices in entrepreneurship projects and linked to the social economy. CJA had the opportunity to present the results achieved with the INCUBA JÁ initiative, framed in the theme of the study visit to define the social economy 3.0, to 14 youth workers from the above-mentioned countries.
Results Achieved
78 young people integrated the labor market (data from March 2023)
We worked with 411 young people.
Application for 2 Solidarity projects within the European Solidarity Corps.
5 partners
Overall satisfaction with the session (Likert scale from 1 to 5): average of 4.49 (90%)
Increased autonomy in the search for information and clarification of doubts: average 4.21 (84.3%)
Increased motivation for active job search and/or building one's own job: average of 4.22 (84.5%).
The future
Continued implementation of the initiative among young people who come to us.
Implementation of the sessions with young people at the request of the associated partners and stakeholders;
Preparation of the INCUBA JÁ Final Seminar
Praça Conde de Águeda
3750 - 101 Águeda
(+351) 234 029 931
© 2023 Águeda Youth Center