About the project
The IN A NUTSHELL project is a KA2 - Cooperation Partnership in Youth is an innovative project executed in partnership with Produções Fixe (Portugal), Luciole (France), ALN (Italy) and YSPDB (Bulgaria).
In 2021, the consortium produced a questionnaire that obtained more than 260 responses identifying the main needs regarding the application of the non-formal education methodology by youth workers, also reflecting the low participation of young people in non-formal activities. From there, we were able to identify a common need related to the lack of references, books and other tools, which in a clear, understandable and concrete way could explain what NFE is and its application in everyday work, by beginners and organizations involved in (inter)national youth work.
Concretely, we aim to create an innovative approach of easy access to NFE (methodological, conceptual and practical) allowing everyone to have access to a quality resource in promoting youth work and promoting a path of change and snowball effect for social change where NFE is recognized, valued and properly applied as a facilitator of change/impact.
Main goal:
Promoting the social inclusion of young people through the creation of a non-formal education manual that enriches the opportunities aimed at their full personal, social and professional development.
Specific goals:
Develop a high-quality reference resource for NFE knowledge and application;
Increase methodological, conceptual and practical knowledge of NFE among young people and organizations;
Promote the recognition and promote the legitimacy of NFE in the development of key competences and learning for the integral development of the individual;
Increase the quality and innovation of non-formal youth work, practices and activities through knowledge sharing and collaborative co-production;
Reaffirm the purpose and added value of NFE at the individual, social, organizational and sectoral transformation and change levels

Project Activities
Project Management and Implementation
An example of this activity is the monthly virtual cooperation meetings implemented by the consortium to monitor the project.
Transnational Meeting 1
Held in Águeda, Portugal from the 26th to the 29th of OCTOBER 2022
Organization responsible for logistics and reception: Psientífica
Formal project kick-off meeting. This meeting fulfilled the objectives of fine-tuning the Action Plan and strategic planning of all phases of the project, always considering the objectives and results to be achieved. He had a particular focus on defining the preparation and defining the first points of the implementation phase (especially in relation to Worksession 1). It also gave us the opportunity to start disseminating the project and promote its visibility and the results that come from it.
Worksession 1
Held in Águeda, Portugal from February 13 to 19, 2023
Organization responsible for logistics and reception: Psientífica
Intended to:
Sharing of results, data, information and content developed by each member of the consortium related to the development of the project Result;
Capacity building and strengthening of knowledge related to NFE, particularly related to phase 1 of the Project Outcome;
Definition of processes and procedures for the design and co-production of the first phase of the manual, contents to be included and the work methodology;
Structuring of the test dynamics, ensuring the transfer of compiled knowledge taking into account phase 1 of the manual and equity of intervention between the consortium;
Analysis and reflection of work points with direct influence on execution.
Working session 2
Held in Vila da Marmeleira, Portugal, from 18th to 22nd June
Organised by Produções Fixes
Together with the partners, we continued the work we had started, discussing and analysing the reactions and feedback to the first pilot test of the manual on Non-Formal Education. This Working Session was also a time for creating content to be included in the manual. At the end of the session, the first chapter was finalised.
Transnational meeting 2
Held in Brittany, France, from 23 to 26 September.
Organised by Luciole
At this second transnational meeting we analysed the second draft for the Non-Formal Education Manual, as well as the feedback left on it by 30 other professionals from a variety of fields. It was also an opportunity to define the steps and strategy for the future.
Financing and support
National Agency Erasmus+ Youth/Sports and ESC
In a Nutshell is a project funded by the National Agency Erasmus+ Youth/Sports and ESC.
The National Agency Erasmus+ Youth Sport and ESC is the mission structure that aims to ensure the management, in Portugal, of the Erasmus+ Program in the fields of youth and sport, as well as ensuring the management and execution of activities within the European Solidarity Corps program . It also coordinates the Eurodesk information network in Portugal. AN Erasmus+ Youth Sports and CES supports Youth Exchanges, European Volunteering, International Training, Strategic Partnerships and Structured Dialogue events. Provides support and information in the dimension of Sport and to the Erasmus+ European Solidarity Corps
Praça Conde de Águeda
3750 - 101 Águeda
(+351) 234 029 931
© 2023 Águeda Youth Center