Águeda Youth Center (CJA) opened its doors to the community on January 20, 2017, together with the Young Europe Store and the Eurodesk Information Point and was born from a partnership between the Municipality of Águeda and Psientífica.

Our main mission is to empower and inform young people about the opportunities that exist for them, both at national and European level, providing opportunities for personal and professional growth and learning in the most diverse areas through the methodology of Non-Formal Education. We believe that all young people deserve access to resources and support to help them reach their full potential.
At CJA, we offer a variety of projects and activities designed to meet the diverse needs of young people in our community. Our projects are focused on both youth and education, among the various opportunities, you can find workshops, youth exchanges, training courses, school sessions, local and international volunteering.
We have a team of experienced professionals who are passionate about working with young people and are dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive environment where every young person feels valued and supported.
We also have a large network of local and international stakeholders who help us daily to achieve our mission, acting as multipliers of our action.
Dissemination of information and opportunities at local, national and European level to young people in Águeda
Support for NGO applications for European funds
Development of European mobility projects with young people under the Erasmus+ program
Development of youth volunteering projects
Scope of Action
Collection, processing and dissemination of information;
Training of young people based on non-formal education;
Stimulation of active citizenship, associations and social and creative entrepreneurship;
Development of Erasmus+ Youth/Sport and European Solidarity Corps projects.
Expected impacts
Aumentar a participação dos jovens em projetos e dinâmicas europeias;
Aumentar o número de jovens envolvidos em projetos de mobilidade europeia;
Aumentar o número de projetos de voluntariado jovem e projetos solidários;
Implementar boas práticas no domínio da juventude;
Exponenciar atividades juvenis com financiamento europeu;
Reconhecimento de Águeda como uma boa prática no âmbito de políticas de juventude.
Praça Conde de Águeda
3750 - 101 Águeda
(+351) 234 029 931
© 2023 Águeda Youth Center